WinningStats.com is a fast, easy and free web site
for athletes and coaches to monitor individual
and/or team fitness routines. The site
currently offers tracking for Running, Walking,
Swimming, Cycling, Cross Country Skiing and Inline
Skating. To learn more about WinningStats.com
take our guided tour. |

WinningStats.com is totally FREE! That's right, no
fees, payments or trial periods. Free, really does
mean free. Register for a new account and start
tracking your Running, Walking, Swimming, Cycling,
Cross Country Skiing and Inline Skating stats TODAY!
Click here to register for
your free WinningStats.com account. |

Winning Solutions, Inc. (WSI) is proud to announce the availability
of a new running log developed by the WSI Team! This
logging system allows athletes and coaches to track their
personal or team stats. Tracking is currently
available for Running, Walking, Swimming, Cycling,
Cross Country Skiing and Inline Skating. |